We begin our new Bible study called "Disciples of the Cross" This is a two-part Bible study addressing the topic of Christian discipleship from a uniquely Lutheran perspective. The first […]
Midweek Lenten theme this year is "Buried With Him." What do Holy Baptism, funerals, and the Passion narrative of Christ have in common? They proclaim our union with Him. Come […]
Bible study on Discipleship of the Cross continues. Our first session was titled "Apprentices of the Master" following Jesus in His life of the cross. This session is titled "What […]
Sermon is on commendation of the dying. "Go in Peace"
This evenings topic is "Entrance of the Body".
We continue our Bible study on "Disciples of the Cross" an introduction to the Theology of Discipleship. Who We Are. Session 3 is titled "God is the Potter; We are […]
Tonights sermon is Titled "Proclaiming the Word".
The sermon tonight is titled "Final Commendation".
The final lenten sermon is titled "Graveside".
Todays Bible Study, Session 4, is titled "Being poured out before God." Daily dying to self and being raised in Christ. Hear what Martin Luther has to say about what […]